Los Angeles Headquarters
Covered 6 LLC
868 Patriot Drive, Unit C
Moorpark, CA 93021
Hours of Operations
9-5 Monday to Friday
Hours and Days may vary based on specialty training courses. If we are on the range then there will be no cell service. Please contact main office for inquires.
Main Phone: 805.926.2055
Contact Form: Click Here
Please no loaded firearms in the facility without prior approval. Active, Retired LE and CCW are exempt. We welcome walk-ins. We retain the right to refuse to do business with anyone, especially individuals who are engaged in criminal or otherwise unethical behavior.
Covered 6 has minimum experience levels for each class. We put great emphasis on safety. If a student is not honest about his or her abilities, it could lead to a serious safety issue and or hold back the other students for lack of ability. This is not fair for those who came to train. We have an unblemished safety record and will NOT make exceptions. Students can be dropped from a class, at any time, for any safety violation, or any reason regarding improper conduct or behavior. Gun safety rules are strictly enforced!